Tuesday, May 11, 2010

National Mental Health Awareness Month

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month.  This montly designation was created in 1949. This year, the theme "Live Your Life Well," is a challenge to promote health and wellness in homes, communities, schools, and inform those who don't believe it's attainable.

Every day, Americans are affected by numerous challenges, stresses and demands on their lives. And every day, they seek help in responding to them.  The good news is there are tested and effective tools that are readily available and free that anyone can use to help them cope better and improve their well-being.

"Live Your Life Well" is a national public education campaign dedicated to helping people better cope with stress and enhancing their well-being. Stress can take a huge toll on a person's health, mood, productivity and relationships, but specific, evidence-based tools can help counterbalance these effects.

The "Live Your Life Well" website, http://www.liveyourlifewell.org/, provides 10 research-based, straightforward tools and ways to apply them in everyday life. From relaxation techniques to journaling exercises to simple ways to get better sleep and improve eating habits, the materials offer a wide range of resources to build resiliency and well-being.  Some of these resources are available for free on the website, and some are available for purchase.

Check it out, and make a commitment to adopt some of these tools this month.  I know I will.  I'm bookmarking this one.  It's a fabulous tool for everyone - my clients, and myself.