Monday, November 9, 2009

Week 2

Mondays are always busy, crazy days for me.  And strangely, that's not because I have clients.  It's my main office day, and there is just too much to get done in just one half day.  I went to a great training this morning - "Domestic Violence Restraining Orders" - presented by ACCESS (Assault Care Center Extending Shelter & Support).  There is more to this topic than can possibly be covered in just an hour or so, but at least I feel like I walked away with information I didn't have before, that will really help my clients.  Plus, I get to count the time as continuing education credits toward CASA - that's my volunteer position as a Court Appointed Special Advocate.  So that's good time spent.

Now I have to catch up from last week, and get ready for the week ahead: type notes and intakes, diagnose, reminder calls/texts/emails, follow-up on releases of information, follow through on promises made... and then it will start up again next Monday.  My desk is a mess.

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