Monday, August 15, 2011

It's That Time Again

Oh my gosh - it's been a year since I've posted anything here. What a horrible blogger I am. I may not be cut out for this medium.

I'm inspired by my friend Wendy Lee's new blog Puntuation Studio to renew my efforts here. That said, what have I been up to this past year? Well let's see...

The main thing that stands out to me in life and in counseling is the effort to lower stress. I could be all academic here and cite statistics about how stress effects your physical and emotional health, blah, blah, blah. But all I know from my personal experience is that if I don't take enough time for myself, I'm no good to anyone else. I don't care if you are talking about friends, family, or clients, if I'm strung out, then I'm no good to be around.

I've had to learn this past year that it's ok to make time for a walk or a bike ride or just a personal day. Sometime that actually mean working a four day week. Yes, I feel guilty sometimes, but I'm feeling that less as less as time goes on. When I take more time for myself, I actually have more quality time for relationships in general. If that seems counter-intuitive, then it is, but sometimes the opposite is true.

I think that's all the words of wisdom I have for now. I'll try to check in again before August 2012, but I'm not making any promises.


PS - The book link is absolutely unrelated to anything I've written about here. It's just one of the best books I've read in the past year, and reading is just one of the many ways I take care of myself. So there.

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Flyer For You!

I finally figured out how to make this Publisher/PDF file into an image.  Yay!  So if you would like, you can print this out and share it with friends, family, coworkers, schools, churches - wherever your life takes you.  Thanks!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Make Stress Work For You

As you can see from the title of this posting, "Make Stress Work For You" received the most votes in my informal survey.  Thanks to everyone who participated and shared their thoughts.  It was very helpful.

So now I am taking the feedback I received and revamping my already successful Self Esteem Support Group to include this new tag line.  I will be using the material from "Ten Days to Self Esteem" by David Burns, and will continue to supplement that great workbook with resources I have been building and using with clients during the past four years.  I'm really excited about this, and how it will work in the group.

I am starting two new groups this fall.  One will be in Jefferson, Iowa and the other in Ames, Iowa.  The group in Jefferson will be on Monday nights and it starts on September 13.  The group will meet 10 times from 7:30 - 8:45 pm, and will wrap up before the holidays are upon us.

The group in Ames will meet on Wednesday nights from 7:30 - 8:45 pm beginning September 8.  It will also meet 10 times and will wrap before the holidays.  There is a cost for each group - $110 includes the workbook, all supplemental information, 10 meetings, and a 30 minute 1-on-1 meeting with me prior to the start of the group.  If you are interested, please contact me for more information.

I've learned over the years of doing these groups they are always the right group of people at the right time, and that group members learn as much from each other as they do from me.  I hope you'll give it a shot.  I know it can be a little nerve-racking at first, but you won't reget it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Little Survey

I have a little survey for all of you, and would appreciate your feedback. This is kind of a what if scenario...

You are browsing in your favorite bookstore with your favorite latte/frappe/mochachino clutched in your fist and a whip/foam mustache on your upper lip, and your head is turned slightly to the right as you try to read the spines of the books on the shelf. One of your hands is occupied with the aforementioned beverage, so a book has to look really good before you free up that hand to pull a book from the shelf and start leafing through it, first looking at the cover, then browsing the table of contents, then flipping through the pages to get a good whiff (ok, that last part is just me). What is the name of the book that catches your attention?

1. How to Make Nice with the Stress in Your Life

2. 3 Keys to Making Stress Work for You

3. Learning to Like Stress

4. The 5 Most Common Life Stressors... And Which Ones to Let Go Of

5. Kicking Stress to the Curb

I'm interested in knowing which one you would take a second look at, maybe not to buy, but at least picking it up at taking a look. Thanks!

PS - If you have already seen this "note" on my Lisa Turner Counseling Facebook page, please disregard the second posting.  And thanks for your participation!  You've all been very helpful.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Work in Progress

I'm still thinking about a new name for my blog.  I had some input from a couple of readers, and that has given me some ideas.  I'm not going to say more right now - I'm still fleshing this out.  But stay tuned.  I will definitely have something new by the end of the summer.

I have also decided to start another Self-Esteem Support Group.  It's been a little more than a year since my last group came to a close in Perry, and after a break I think I am ready and excited to start up again.  This is a 10 week group that is based on the work of Dr. David Burns and his books, The Feel Good Handbook and Ten Days to Self-Esteem.  I have also developed my own material to supplement this reading, culled from my own research in the area of self esteem.  I am not sure where I will be offering the group this time around.  In fact, I may be offering it in more than one location, for your convenience!

If you are interested in learning more about the support group, please contact me by phone or email:  515-370-1965 or

PS - I posted a link to the book Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend.  I was just revisiting it this morning, and remembering what solid material it is, and how the authors are so sound.  Good reading.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Something New

This past weekend I finally watched the movie "Julie & Julia."  For those of who are unfamiliar with the movie, it is based the true story of a young professional woman, who, bored with her 9 - 5 job, decides to cook her way through "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by Julia Child.  The movie is based on the book of the same name, as well as Julia Child's autobiography "My Life in Paris."

This is one of those rare times where the movie is as good as the book (or my memory of the book, anyway).  And the movie was very motivating, in a way the book wasn't, in terms of blogging.  You see, the main character of the book and movie - Julie Powell - records her adventures in cooking in a blog.  What was motivating to me about watching this process is seeing how she poured her passion for cooking and for Julia Child into her writing, and how the focus of her blog was very specific - cooking her way through "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and her adventures in doing so.

So I'm thinking I need to change things up here a little bit.  I know that I lack focus at times in my writing, and I want that to be different.  So from now on, this blog is a site that contains information on living well, which includes managing stress, improving your self-esteem, and successfully navigating life transitions.  As you can probably see already, I've changed the design of this blog a little bit.  What do you think?  I want to rename the blog too - something that is a little more catchy, and reflects my new focus.  But I'm drawing a blank at the moment.  Any idea?

Is anyone out there?  Is anyone reading this?  Sigh....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

National Mental Health Awareness Month

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month.  This montly designation was created in 1949. This year, the theme "Live Your Life Well," is a challenge to promote health and wellness in homes, communities, schools, and inform those who don't believe it's attainable.

Every day, Americans are affected by numerous challenges, stresses and demands on their lives. And every day, they seek help in responding to them.  The good news is there are tested and effective tools that are readily available and free that anyone can use to help them cope better and improve their well-being.

"Live Your Life Well" is a national public education campaign dedicated to helping people better cope with stress and enhancing their well-being. Stress can take a huge toll on a person's health, mood, productivity and relationships, but specific, evidence-based tools can help counterbalance these effects.

The "Live Your Life Well" website,, provides 10 research-based, straightforward tools and ways to apply them in everyday life. From relaxation techniques to journaling exercises to simple ways to get better sleep and improve eating habits, the materials offer a wide range of resources to build resiliency and well-being.  Some of these resources are available for free on the website, and some are available for purchase.

Check it out, and make a commitment to adopt some of these tools this month.  I know I will.  I'm bookmarking this one.  It's a fabulous tool for everyone - my clients, and myself.